At AWS we are committed to assisting municipal governments and property management groups with improving the convenience and volume of multi-family recycling. Our unique “Blue /Clear Bag” Doorstep Recycling Collection System is paired with insight of our collection technology, Doorstep Details.
Residents are allowed to place co-mingled recyclables (paper, plastics, glass, and metal) in their Blue/Clear Bag. Recycle-filled, blue/clear bags can be placed at the resident’s doorstep in concert with their bagged-trash, up to 5-days-per-week.
AWS works with your municipal or private recycling company to ensure their collection containers are free of contaminants. Our Doorstep Recycling collection also increases recycling participation and waste diversion, because our services are so convenient for our apartment residents.
Discover how easy our Doorstep Recycling solutions are to implement for your multi-family communities. For a FREE contract quote, call 866.698.2874 or please fill out the valet trash quote form.

- Please rinse recyclables before bagging (do not rinse paper)
- Please place co-mingled recyclables in a blue or clear recycling bag
- Place blue/clear recycling bag on top of your trash container
- Recycling must be placed outside your doorstep at the same days/times as your trash collection
- Recycling blue/clear bags can be purchased at major retailers, in store or online (ex. Home Depot, Walmart, Target, etc.)
- Approved recyclables below (accepted materials vary based on area. Please call us with questions, 866-698-2874)
Paper Products
- Newspaper
- Magazines/Catalogs/Phonebooks
- Brown Paper Bags
- Corrugated Cardboard (flattened)
- Office Paper and Junk Mail

Commingled Products
- Plastic bottles, jugs, jars and tubs (#’s 1-7)
- Glass Bottles and Jars
- Aluminum Cans
- Steel/Tin Cans