Next Generation Electric Car Label
When shopping for a new vehicle, you’ll be able to see your expected savings over a five-year period, a fuel economy comparison to other vehicles in the same class, and easy-to-understand guidance about each car or truck’s environmental impact. The bottom line is that these labels will help people make informed decisions when they’re buying a car, so that they can save money at the gas pump. The new labels also feature a QR code that allows car buyers to comparison shop on the go. Shoppers can scan the QR code with their smartphones to store that vehicle’s information, compare it to other vehicles, and access www.fueleconomy.gov for even more information.
We have many more options for fuel-efficient vehicles than ever before. And the new labels will help us make sense of those options and take advantage of the new, more energy efficient vehicles to save money and reduce tailpipe emissions. Perhaps the most terrific thing about these labels is that–despite their sophistication–they are easy to understand. A new generation of labels for a new generation of cars. We know that transportation is one of the biggest costs in any family’s budget. And with the labels introduced, shoppers will be armed with more information to make the best decision for their families, their wallets, and the air we breathe.

Next Generation Electric Car Label
- Next Generation Gas Label