
Maryland House considers Multi-Family Recycling Bill | AWS Recycling Programs are compliant

By March 16, 2012No Comments


The Maryland House of Delegates is scheduled to consider a bill that would require management at apartment buildings and condominiums offer recycling services. This bill would require a property manager or owner of a building with 10 or more units to collect recyclables. Sponsored by The Maryland House of Delegates is scheduled to consider a bill that would require management at apartment buildings and condominiums offer Baltimore County Democrat Stephen Lafferty, the measure is slated for a final vote today. AWS Multi-Family Recycling Programs are turn-key compliant with this bill.


AWS Apartment Recycling Center

AWS Apartment Recycling Center

Owners or managers of Maryland apartment buildings or condominiums may have to start offer recycling services. If passed, the property manager or owner must provide residents with the opportunity for recycling on or before Oct. 1, 2013. Montgomery and Prince George’s counties already collect recycling from multi-family properties. According to an analysis of the bill, it is unclear how much it would cost other jurisdictions to implement the program. A version of the bill has already passed the state Senate. Accelerated Waste Solutions has Multi-family Valet Trash & DoorStep Recycling programs that comply with all ordinance in Maryland, including Montgomery and PG Counties. We also offer Onsite Recycling Centers where Valet Porters do the sorting.

AWS VALET TRASH & Bulk Item Information junk shot

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